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General Questions


1: Do you charge a service fee for the use of the site?
Free Trial Account with Full Access, for 7 days from the Date of Registration.  You cannot renew with the email address. If after the Trial Period you wish to continue, you can always upgrade and maintain the same account. A yearly Paid subscription is also available.  
2: Where can I find my Personal QR code?
 After you log in successfully, your QR code will be displayed to you. A total of 5 sizes will be displayed to you.
3: How do I download the code?
 Windows users Just right-click on the Code and save it where ever you want to save it on your system. The image will be downloaded in png Format. You can then add text to it using photo editor software like Photoshop or even Microsoft word, or Excel, after which you can print it out and test it. I'll upload a couple of videos on "How to" in the near future. OR You can Buy the QR Coded Badges or Key FOBs from us Directly which will automatically upgrade you to a Paid Account with a Years access from the date
4: Do I have to download an app to use this service?
 No app to download, (although to scan the code you will need a QR scanner which can be downloaded from the app store)
5: What exactly is a QR Code?
A QR Code is basically a 2D barcode that contains data that can be read by a phone's camera. Most smartphones are capable of scanning a QR code with software (QR Code reader) that can be downloaded to their device. The phone's camera acts like a scanner, which reads the code and displays the information. In this case, it will display your contact information and anything else you choose to display on
6: Where can I use my personal QR code?
Sky is the limit, but here are a few examples. See the Ideas and Videos Page to get a general Idea. That page has images to spark your imagination as to how to use your own QR code.
Find a few examples below.
Pets:  Add a Tag to your pet's collar, in case the pet gets lost or goes missing, the person who finds your pet and scans the code will be able to look up your information and contact you.
Items:  Bags, Handbags, Laptop cases, Wallets, Cameras and Cell Phones, Bicycles, Helmets, Skate Boards, diving gear, sports equipment, Kids and Elderly or your own self 
Business cards: Print 'em out and use them on your business card
Fun: Print them T-shirts or Garments
7: I have scanned the QR code but the required paged does not load what could be the reason?
There could be a few reasons but here's a short list of what the possibility could be. 
Good Bright Light: with a Steady hand and wait for the scanner to focus in on the Code. Depending on your Phone it may do it instantly or might take a few seconds longer.
Focus: If the QR code is still out of focus and the Camera is still trying to read it, try to help it a little to focus by moving the code further or closer toward the camera.
Internet connection : Are you (your device) connected to the internet? The QR scanner will not be able to pull up the website if you are not connected to the internet
The camera of the Device:  Make sure the lens is clear, the Focus is sharp and you're in a bright environment.
Damaged Code: Are parts of the QR code clear, full and intact? If No, then it will not be possible for the QR code reader to read it.
Site Down: The website may be temporarily down for Maintenance 
8: Would it be possible for the computer to remember the username and Password?
Even though we advise against it, it is possible for certain browsers can remember the username and password. Please check the box that says” Remember me” just below the Password field, (after you’ve entered your username / email address & password). Please remember that anyone who has access to your computer or the computer you were using might be able to log into your/the account without your knowledge and can update and change information which, might have a negative impact. Please be extra cautious. Once again we advise against it.
Also depending your Browser and Operating system it’s possible to store the Username and Password. We highly recommend against it.
9: Can I register multiple accounts under the same email address?
Every account is tied to a unique email address. As per our rules, you are allowed to have/own up to 4 different accounts in your name but each account has to have a unique email address. Account confirmation will be sent only to the registered email in that account, which needs to be confirmed.
10: Is the Email required?
Yes, it is. Every account is tied to a unique email address. As per my rules, you are allowed to have/own up to 4 different accounts in your name but each account has to have a unique email address. Account confirmation will be only to the registered email in that account.



Step 1:
Before registering with, Please read and understand all our terms and conditions. After you have read, understood & Agree with our Terms and conditions & still wish to become a member, then I welcome you to
The registration process is very simple. Please click on the “Register” Link and fill out your information. 
Please check the “Accept Terms and Conditions” box (By doing this you have acknowledged that you have fully read, understood and agree to terms and conditions.
Step 2:
After you have submitted your information, please check the inbox of the email address that you used in the registration process with us. You should find a confirmation email from with the Subject “Your Registration is Pending Approval” (Please check your inbox and your Spam folder as well) Remember to Mark or Click or select any emails from “Not Spam” or add it to the Safe list, so that future emails from us get directed/sent to your inbox and not any other folder. Your registration will be processed as soon as you click on the link provided in the email, after which you can log into your account with your username and Password.
Field Parameters Explained :
Username : Minimum 4 and a Maximum of 10 Characters (Username is NOT case sensitive, Password IS case sensitive)
Email : Has to be a valid email, (and unique) as the confirmation link will be sent to that email. 
Password : Minimum 6 and Max 17 characters. Can use Numbers Letters and Special characters.(Username is NOT case sensitive, Password IS case sensitive)
Member ID :  Choose between 4 & 6 Characters. This will identify your account. This field is not editable once the account is registered.
Media (Audio & Video)
1: How do I get the most seconds / Minutes out of my video?
There are 2 ways to get a Video up on your Profile. Either Upload a Video clip from your Device (Phone, Tablet, Laptop) or Link a Video from Youtube. all you have to do is copy the URL of the Video clip and paste it in the field. Terms and Conditions need to be complied with.
A: Uploading :
The limit is set at 5 MB. If you are using a Phone or Tablet or Laptop to record your Appeal (Video Message) it's recommended that you set your camera resolution to the lowest possible which is 640x480 VGA. That way the resolution is still good, but you can get more video time out of it. 5 MB gives you roughly around 11 seconds of Video time.
So in other words, the Higher the Resolution the Lower the time of the video. (see Image below)
B: Linking :
You can also link your video from Just enter the complete URL of the video in the field displayed and No Restrictions on how long the video is or how high the Resolution is, because it's Youtube that's hosting the video, not